Center Services
The Wynona’s House Child Advocacy Center is a trauma-informed, child-friendly facility located in downtown Newark, NJ. The Center co-locates County law enforcement and prosecutors, child protection, mental health, medical, victim advocacy, and nonprofit professionals who work together to investigate and hold offenders of child abuse and neglect accountable. The team of agency professionals also works collaboratively to help children and non-offending caregivers recover and ultimately heal in the aftermath of abuse. Wynona’s House’s nonprofit professionals coordinate these multi-disciplinary services to provide a community response to the problem of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, severe neglect, and other types of familial and child exploitation.

Multi-disciplinary team Coordination Services
The core of any Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is the multi-disciplinary team (MDT). At Wynona’s House, the multi-disciplinary team includes representatives from the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P), The Essex County Prosecutor’s….
We continue to work together with our CAC partners to ensure that victims and families receive the services that will enable them to begin the process of healing. Our partners, DCP&P, RDTC, Forensic Nurse Examiner Team and the CAC provide invaluable support and assistance to families while ECPO endeavors to hold perpetrators accountable….

The Division of Child Protection and Permanency, DCP&P, formerly known as DYFS, exists to ensure safety, wellbeing, and permanency of children. They represent an organization focused on the investigation of child abuse and neglect. The Division offers services for stabilization and reunification toward the overall well-being of families with children…
The Metro RDTC is dedicated to working with children, families, and agencies to help heal children and families that experience child sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and violence. We deliver a coordinated treatment response consisting of evidence-based mental health and medical services to children, parents, and caregivers, and train and…