The ECPO Special Victims Unit was formed in 2010 in order to better coordinate the efforts of the ECPO Child Abuse Unit, the ECPO Sexual Assault and Rape Analysis (SARA) Unit, and the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program, all of which are co-located at Wynona’s House. These three functions within the Special Victims Unit now operate under the unified command of one Assistant Prosecutor / Director and a Captain of Detectives, and are overseen by a Deputy Chief Assistant Prosecutor.
Metro Regional Diagnostic and Treatment Center (METRO RDTC)
The “METRO RDTC” at Children’s Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center is one of New Jersey’s four legislatively designated centers of excellence for the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. New Jersey’s four RDTCs are all based at teaching centers and serve areas in Northern, Metropolitan (Essex and Union Counties), Central, and Southern New Jersey. Medical and mental health evaluation and treatment services are provided onsite at Wynona’s House and RDTC staff also provide expert witness court testimony and serve on New Jersey’s Regional community-based Child Fatality Review Team.
For more information, please call 973-753-1180.
Investigative Unit
Child Advocacy Center (CAC) Unit
The Division of Child Protection and Permanency, DCP&P (formerly the Division of Youth and Family Services, DYFS), is New Jersey’s child protection and child welfare agency within the Department of Children and Families. Its mission is to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and to support families. DCP&P is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect and, if necessary, arranging for the child’s protection and the family’s treatment.